Thursday 6 August 2020

Beeswax polish

Beeswax has been used to polish shoes for
a very long time. You have to heat the wax
first, making sure that it is soft enough to
apply to the shoes and rub it thoroughly
onto each shoe. Next, get a clean, soft cloth
and rub the shoes to a great shine.
Beeswax is easy to find and can be
found at most craft stores
It also keeps the leather supple and
conditioned, as well as shiny
Beeswax can be a bit on the
expensive side
Heating beeswax to the right texture is
sometimes a challenge
Beeswax can also be found online and in
bulk, so if this type of shoe-shining works for
you, you may want to consider buying it in
large quantities.

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Beeswax polish

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