Thursday 6 August 2020

Beeswax polish

Beeswax has been used to polish shoes for
a very long time. You have to heat the wax
first, making sure that it is soft enough to
apply to the shoes and rub it thoroughly
onto each shoe. Next, get a clean, soft cloth
and rub the shoes to a great shine.
Beeswax is easy to find and can be
found at most craft stores
It also keeps the leather supple and
conditioned, as well as shiny
Beeswax can be a bit on the
expensive side
Heating beeswax to the right texture is
sometimes a challenge
Beeswax can also be found online and in
bulk, so if this type of shoe-shining works for
you, you may want to consider buying it in
large quantities.

Monday 27 July 2020

How to make money with your website

1. Google AdSense
Google AdSense might be the fastest and easiest
way for a beginner to start earning passive income
with a blog. The basic idea behind AdSense is that
you can display Google Ads on your website and
when a visitor clicks on those ads you get a
percentage of the ad costs. You've certainly seen
ads on other people's websites; you can have these
ads appear on your blog or website as well.
AdSense is a contextual advertising network that
places partner (business) ads on your website. It’s
easy to set up—all you have to do is copy and
paste some code given to you from Google in the
places you'd like the ads to appear on your
website. Google will then show ads from
advertisers that are a match to the content on your
website so that ideally your website visitors see
relevant ads.
Don’t worry that your blog niche won’t be able to
draw quality ads to your site. Google AdSense is
one of the biggest networks on the Web, so you
should get a healthy enough list of clickable sites
to attract your readership.
And Google is smart enough to only show ads on
your website that are relevant to the content on your
website, so in many cases, this can enhance the
user experience on your site, and the ads can be
Just make sure your content is of the highest
Though Adsense is a popular option, I think that
affiliate information marketing is also an excellent
way to make virtually passive income online.
2. Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates is the long-established in-
house affiliate program run by Seattle-based—the biggest online retailer in the
world today. It offers bloggers the chance to earn
commissions by advertising Amazon products on
your website—provided visitors click-through from
your blog to and make a purchase.
The basic idea with Amazon Associates is that you
can get a tracking link that is unique to you that
links to any product sold on If
someone clicks on the link on your blog and goes
back to Amazon and purchases the item, you are
credited with the sale.
There are many ways you can promote Amazon
products on your website. You could include a
product catalog (pulled from on your
blog, you can write product reviews and link to the
products you recommend on Amazon, and you can
have a recommended resources page on your
website; just to name a few.
The one caveat about Associates is that it probably
suits bloggers who write about merchandising, retail
products, and shopping a fair bit. Logically, it will
help your performance if visitors arrive at your
website already predisposed to buying.
The program works by getting Amazon links,
banners, or widgets (e.g., slideshows, "My
Favorites," "Wish List Widget") onto your pages.
One added benefit is that if someone clicks on a
link from your website to Amazon and ends up
buying multiple items (not just the item you are
promoting), then you would get credit for the entire
sale! Imagine you recommend a book on Amazon,
your visitor goes to Amazon to buy a book, and
while they're there they end up buying a new TV, a
Sony PlayStation, and some other things. You get
credit for all of the sales. Not only that, but you
also earn from any sales you make in the following
15 days from that customer.
Another way to make money with Amazon is by
publishing digital books on Amazon Kindle .

3. Affiliate Marketing for Digital Products
As I mentioned above, one of my favorite ways to
make money on the internet is by promoting digital
information products as an affiliate .
Just like is a marketplace of physical
good sold on the internet; there are also
marketplaces of digital products sold on the
internet as well.
One of the most popular digital product
marketplaces is You can search the
Clickbank marketplace for products related to your
marketplace and promote them on your website,
write product reviews, etc.
Just like with Amazon, if someone clicks on the
link and goes back and buys the product you are
promoting, you would get a commission for a
percentage of the sale.
One attractive feature of promoting digital
information products is that the commissions tend
to be higher than that of physical products; ranging
anywhere from 10 percent to 50 percent or even
higher. As an example, if someone is selling a
digital information product for $500 with a 50
percent commission, you can earn $250 per sale.
This is much higher than commissions on physical
products due to the high profit margins.
4. Create E-books and Information
Regular blogging is the ideal training ground for
creating e-books, still one of the most popular
forms of information products being sold by online
entrepreneurs today.
Consider your blogs as “free” information that you
offer to readers to demonstrate your expertise. With
time, they become your fans and are ready for more
in-depth material. This is your opportunity to make
money—by presenting your e-books for sale
alongside your free blog.
Just make sure that the e-book builds on your blog
output—don’t simply rehash what they have already
seen! After all, these people are now paying
customers and will get upset with old information.
Later on, as you become more established and your
archived material becomes more extensive, you can
poll your readers to learn what topics they’d be
interested in learning more about and interested in
Again, you can sell an ebook for a much higher
price than a regular book and benefit from a much
higher profit margin.
5. Offer One-on-One Coaching
This is one of the quickest and easiest ways you
can turn your expertise into money. The fact that
you are publishing a blog and providing information
in your market makes you an expert in your niche.
In many cases, people want to get personalized
advice directly from the expert in their market.
You can simply put up a page on your blog offering
one-on-one coaching to answer any questions they
have or give them advice for a handsome fee.
Notice that I avoided putting a specific dollar figure
on the amount you can make from blogging. It will
come down to your work ethic, your skills as a
writer, your ability to generate targeted traffic, and
plain old good luck. It’s a bit like baseball:
Everyone played it as a kid, only a small fraction
make it to college ball, an even smaller number
become professional, but only the cream of the
crop makes it to the majors.
You have to decide where in the blogging “big
leagues” you want to end up.
The reality is that as more and more people from
all over the world come online, the harder it will
become to get attention online and generate
income. That's why it's so important to focus on
building your email list, so you can follow up with
your visitors, build a relationship, and increase
6. Sell a page to individual or company, websites is like a how where one can rent a room. To make money you can actually sell a space for someone or companies to place an advertisement.

Steps to prevent your WhatsApp account from hackers

 Use the following steps your
 account will be safe.

Follow these steps

Go to settings on your WhatsApp,

Click on Account, 

Click on Two- step verification, 

Enter pin,

Input your email address 

And save, that's all. 

If someone wants to change it, WhatsApp will ask for the Two-step verification and without it the account won't open.

Sunday 26 July 2020

Some Common Computer Problems

1) Blank Screen
If the computer is on but the
screen is blank, there may be an
issue with the connection between
the computer and the screen.
First, check to see if the monitor
is plugged into a power point and
that the connection between the
monitor and computer hard drive
is secure. If the problem is on a
laptop, then you may need to get
a professional to fix it as some of
the internal wires may be 
If the computer is on but the
screen is blank, there may be an
issue with the connection between
the computer and the screen.
First, check to see if the monitor
is plugged into a power point and
that the connection between the
monitor and computer hard drive
is secure. If the problem is on a
laptop, then you may need to get
a professional to fix it as some of
the internal wires may be worn. 
2. Abnormally Functioning
Operating System or Software
If the operating system or other
software is either unresponsive or
is acting up, then try restarting
your computer and run a virus
scan. To avoid having this happen,
install reliable anti-virus software.

3 Windows Won’t Boot
If you are having troubles booting
Windows, then you may have to
reinstall it with the Windows
recovery disk. 

4.T Screen is Frozen
When you computer freezes, you
may have no other option than to
reboot and risk losing any
unsaved work. Freezes can be a
sign of insufficient ram, registry
conflicts , corrupt or missing files,
or spyware . Press and hold the
power button until the computer
turns off, then restart it and get to
work cleaning up the system so
that it doesn’t freeze again.

5. Computer is Slow
If your computer is slower than
normal, you can often fix the
problem simply by cleaning the
hard disk of unwanted files. You
can also install a firewall, anti-
virus and anti-spyware tools, and
schedule regular registry scans.
External hard drives are great
storage solutions for overtaxed
CPU’s, and will help your
computer run faster.

6. Strange Noises
A lot of noise coming from your
computer is generally a sign of
either hardware malfunction or a
noisy fan. Hard drives often make
noise just before they fail, so you
may want to back up information
just in case, and fans are very
easy to replace.

7. Slow Internet
To improve your Internet browser
performance, you need to clear
cookies and Internet temporary
files frequently. In the Windows
search bar, type ‘%temp%’ and hit
enter to open the temporary files

Tuesday 21 July 2020

World innovation

Farmers have begun to use agricultural
drones adorned with cameras to
improve the treatment of their crops.
The drones allow farmers a unique
perspective that previously-used
satellite imagery could not provide.
They help to expose issues with
irrigation treatment, soil variation, and
distressed plants at a much lower cost
than methods like crop imaging with a
manned aircraft. The success of the
drones is made possible by
technological advances in GPS modules,
digital radios, and small MEMS sensors.
Together, these advances allow farmers
to bring greater precision to their craft
in order to reap greater rewards.
As concerns over personal privacy
grow, particularly in terms of new
technology, a Maryland-based company
seeks to provide an alternative. Silent
Circle, encrypts clients’ voice calls, text
messages, and file attachments.
Encryption prevents potential
eavesdroppers from listening in on
phone calls and protects metadata.
Silent Circle has big plans for the future
including a secure smartphone called
Blackphone. Blackphone will utilize
encryption tools currently used by
Silent Circle, as well as other software
that will help secure data.
Neuroscientists have worked for
decades to better understand how the
brain functions. Recent advances in
brain mapping technology have made
that ambitious task easier. An
international team of researchers at the
Human Brain Project have created a
three dimensional atlas of the brain.
The maps resolution is fifty times better
than previous efforts. The atlas creators
digitally stitched together thousands of
brain cross-sections. The map shows
details up to 20 micrometers in size—
the estimated size of many human cells.
While this is a huge advancement,
scientists still aim to create a map that
shows details at 1 or 2 micrometers,
rather than 20.

Many companies around the globe are
working towards blurring the lines
between biological systems and man-
made creations. Qualcomm is making
significant steps in developing artificial
intelligence system with the use of
Neuromorphic Chips. These chips blend
neurology into traditional technologies
like smartphone chips. Qualcomm is
already testing chips in small robots
that allow the machines to perform
tasks that typically require a custom
computer. The chips can process
sensory data through sight and sound in
order to respond in ways that are not
explicitly programmed. For example,
the chips could anticipate user needs.
Researchers in China created a pair of
monkeys with specific genetic
mutations. The scientists used a new
method of DNA engineering known as
CRISPR. CRISPR allows scientists to
modify fertilized eggs. This innovation
has great implications for the field of
biomedicine. The ability to alter DNA at
specific locations on chromosomes
makes it easier to study diseases.
Researchers at MIT have expressed
interest in studying brain disorders like
autism and Alzheimer’s disease. CRISPR
has the potential to aid researchers
studying such ailments, allowing them
to identify what genetic mutations
actually cause the disorders.

The potential of 3-D printing technology
has many people excited about new
applications. But current printers have
important limitations. Up until recently,
most 3-D printers can only use plastic.
A group of researchers at Harvard
University, led by Jennifer Lewis, have
started to develop new 3-D printer inks.
Her team prints intricate objects using
materials that are chosen based on their
mechanical properties, electrical
conductivity, or optical traits.
Eventually new inks will enable a wider
variety of functions, including artificial
organ creation.

The current infrastructure for
collaborating in a professional
environment can be counterproductive
to getting work done. This problem is
one that new apps like Quip aim to
solve. The intent is to develop a system
where every step of the collaboration
process happens in the same digital
space. It aims to create a more intimate
experience by implementing chat
features and a Facebook-style news
feed, in turn creating a more
collaborative experience.

Beeswax polish

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